"What we call 'normal' is a product of repression, denial, splitting, projection, introjection and other forms of destructive action on experience. It is radically estranged from the structure of being. The more one sees this, the more senseless it is to continue with generalized descriptions of supposedly specifically schizoid, schizophrenic, hysterical 'mechanisms.' There are forms of alienation that are relatively strange to statistically 'normal' forms of alienation. The 'normally' alienated person, by reason of the fact that he acts more or less like everyone else, is taken to be sane. Other forms of alienation that are out of step with the prevailing state of alienation are those that are labeled by the 'formal' majority as bad or mad." 

R. D. Laing, The Politics of Experience

tirsdag den 16. februar 2010

Menneskets mest essentielle behov - ifølge psykiatrien

“The most urgent need … is not food and water which is temporary. (...) The most urgent need is for psychiatrists.”

Fra en artikel om Haiti i den amerikanske avis Monterey Herald, via Spit, Bristle And Fury.

1 kommentar:

Anonym sagde ...

Ha, ha, ha, for et skrudd selvbilde de har disse psykiaterne. Nå har man altså klart å stille seg selv nederst i Maslows behovspyramide, som om kontakt med psykiatere skulle være det mest grunnleggende behov mennesker har. Har psykiatriens megalomani tatt fullstendig overhånd?