"What we call 'normal' is a product of repression, denial, splitting, projection, introjection and other forms of destructive action on experience. It is radically estranged from the structure of being. The more one sees this, the more senseless it is to continue with generalized descriptions of supposedly specifically schizoid, schizophrenic, hysterical 'mechanisms.' There are forms of alienation that are relatively strange to statistically 'normal' forms of alienation. The 'normally' alienated person, by reason of the fact that he acts more or less like everyone else, is taken to be sane. Other forms of alienation that are out of step with the prevailing state of alienation are those that are labeled by the 'formal' majority as bad or mad." 

R. D. Laing, The Politics of Experience

tirsdag den 30. juni 2009

Hellere feminisme- end Rorschachtesten!!!

Så tog jeg den også, feminismetesten, som jeg fandt linket til på Sigrun's blog.

Your result for The Feminism Test...


You scored 83% Gender-Abolitionist, 60% Sexually Liberal, and 80 % Socialist

You are the Revisionist Feminist! You are, by far, the most philosophical, the most sexually-liberated, and the most politically extreme variety of feminist. You are very, very freedom-oriented. You abhor oppression in all forms. For instance, your views on sexual liberation and reproductive control adequately reflect your devotion to personal freedom. Not only that, but you also feel gender needs to be destroyed to maximize equality and freedom, because accepting socially-constructed gender roles binds women into false categories and places upon them an unneeded identity. Gender should not be a part of one's identity, but rather an irrelevant aspect of their physical bodies, such as their hair length or nose shape. Not only that, but Revisionist Feminists are political extremists and feel very strongly that the oppression of class society is a big part of the cause of women's oppression. Basically, a Revisionist feels that cultural ideas of gender, political class, and repressive sexual morality all work together to oppress women, and the only way to truly escape this oppression is to challenge all of these problems directly and extremely. You are a Marxist, a Gender Abolitionist, and a Liberal Feminist all rolled into one.

The other feminist types:

The Housewife

The Marxist

The Liberal

The Liberal Extremist

The Gender Abolitionist

The Radical

The Gender-Liberal

The Revisionist

Take The Feminism Test
at HelloQuizzy

3 kommentarer:

Janne Møller sagde ...

Nå ja, den test skulle jeg også lige prøve :-): Your result for The Feminism Test ...
Gender Abolitionist
You scored 100% Gender-Abolitionist, 40% Sexually Liberal, and 40 % Socialist.

Det er jeg tilfreds med - jeg har altid følt det dybt undertrykkende at blive puttet i boks pga. mit (ydre) køn, men tror mere på at vejen ud af miseren er gennem en ændring af den enkeltes forståelse af sig selv og mennesket i almindelighed, end gennem politik.

Sjovt at blive "tvunget" til at tænke over det her :-)

Marian sagde ...

Janne: Det tror jeg, du har helt ret i, og jeg blev lidt overrasket over at få et "Marxist"-stempel. Mig, der synes, ideologier i al almindelighed, og altså også Marxismen, er problematiske. Men jeg tror nu, det har at gøre med min definition af "politik", der er temmelig omfattende, at jeg scorede så højt på den skala.

Det siger lidt om tilforladeligheden af tests... Godt, at den her bare er "for sjov", og at resultatet ikke havner i en eller anden sagsmappe/journal hos en eller anden offentlig ansat, og stempler én for resten af livet.

Janne Møller sagde ...

Ja, godt testen bare er "for sjov" og ikke stempler. Det er lige netop stempling der er så fatalt og forkert - på alle måder.

Iøvrigt kom jeg til at tænke på efter at jeg skrev min kommentar, at det selvfølgelig er både-og - det politiske betyder også noget. Det fortæller kun noget om mig at jeg har det perspektiv jeg har - og også det er jo tankevækkende på en god måde :-).