"What we call 'normal' is a product of repression, denial, splitting, projection, introjection and other forms of destructive action on experience. It is radically estranged from the structure of being. The more one sees this, the more senseless it is to continue with generalized descriptions of supposedly specifically schizoid, schizophrenic, hysterical 'mechanisms.' There are forms of alienation that are relatively strange to statistically 'normal' forms of alienation. The 'normally' alienated person, by reason of the fact that he acts more or less like everyone else, is taken to be sane. Other forms of alienation that are out of step with the prevailing state of alienation are those that are labeled by the 'formal' majority as bad or mad." 

R. D. Laing, The Politics of Experience

onsdag den 3. juni 2009

Mere DSM V-cirkus

Det ser ud til, at "eksperterne" ikke længere vil nøjes med at stemple alle andre end dem selv, men i deres jagt på flere og flere for farmaindustrien profitlovende stempler er blevet så desperate, at de overvejer at berige DSM'en om et stempel, de problemløst kan kaste i hovedet på hinanden: "Pathological bias" - patologisk forudindtagethed - nr. 8 her.

Med Ric kan jeg kun sige: "Det her gør mig bitter. Hvis nogen spørger efter mig, jeg er ude for at handle mad, så at jeg kan spise et helt ton i aften, mens jeg ser midnatsfilmen." (Nr. 6, 5, 1, 2 og, såfremt jeg vælger at se filmen via nettet, 3)

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