"What we call 'normal' is a product of repression, denial, splitting, projection, introjection and other forms of destructive action on experience. It is radically estranged from the structure of being. The more one sees this, the more senseless it is to continue with generalized descriptions of supposedly specifically schizoid, schizophrenic, hysterical 'mechanisms.' There are forms of alienation that are relatively strange to statistically 'normal' forms of alienation. The 'normally' alienated person, by reason of the fact that he acts more or less like everyone else, is taken to be sane. Other forms of alienation that are out of step with the prevailing state of alienation are those that are labeled by the 'formal' majority as bad or mad." 

R. D. Laing, The Politics of Experience

torsdag den 17. september 2009

Kampen fortsætter

Jeg hørte forleden om/fra en person, der planlagde at sulte sig selv ihjel. I protest bl.a. mod de overgreb, vedkommende blev udsat for i psykiatrien. Det er ikke altid, at reaktionen kommer så bevidst, så den nærmest må betegnes som en formel protestaktion. Som regel kommer den ganske spontant og ubevidst, som en "forværring af sygdommen", som "symptomer". Hvilket så gør det svært for den protesterende at erkende sin egen protest som protest, og nemt for systemet, at indbilde den protesterende (og alle andre involverede), at vedkommendes protest ikke er en protest, men altså "sygdom". Resultatet er "kronisk sygdom", og psykiatribrugere, pårørende og politikere, der mener, psykiatrien redder liv. Resultatet er, at psykiatrien overlever. Kampen mod de protesterende og deres protest. Og så længe der kæmpes, koster det liv. De protesterendes. På den ene eller anden måde.

Her er, lettere redigeret for at sikre anonymitet, hvad jeg skrev til ovennævnte person (originalversionen, jeg gider stadigt ikke oversætte):

Suicide is the ultimate, strongest, most reactive and violent, "NO!" to abuse. I guess, I'm far from alone in that I've considered this "NO!" many times in my life, since I felt, I'd tried to say "NO!" in every other to me available way without having been heard. I considered it sometimes consciously, in the shape of planning an action like yours would be, sometimes more unconsciously, in the shape of "voices", telling me to off myself.

What finally made me reject suicide as a manifestation of my "NO!" to abuse was the insight that there was no chance to have it understood as my logic response to a world that was slowly killing me - like in : "Look, this is what you're doing to me!" - but that it, as X says, undoubtedly would be interpreted as a meaningless manifestation of meaningless madness, "mental illness", and thus a justification for more abuse, "treatment". And even if I might have escaped personally, offing myself would only have strengthened psychiatry in general: "Look, we need more treatment, more locked wards, more restraints, more pills, more ect, more psychiatry, to prevent suicide! If only we'd been able to force more treatment on her/force treatment on her earlier, she might be alive."

What I did instead of offing myself was that I started to look for new, less reactive, less violent ways to word my "NO!". Without being aware of it at the time, I made use of the Buddhist concept of not reacting to content. At least to a certain extent. While whoever made you his enemy always will seek to turn your reaction to him into an excuse for him to attack you even more fiercely (more abuse), not reacting to his provocations disarms him most effectively. The lesser "reactive", or violent, you react , the smaller an amount of strength in the shape of violence you give your enemy to turn against you. If you want whoever made you his enemy to overcome you, you give him all the strength you have in your anger and despair, and let him turn it against you. 

If it is psychiatry, who's made you its enemy, you strengthen it by feeding it more of what it is living on: "symptoms". Committing suicide is usually regarded a "symptom" of "mental illness", certainly if the person in question is identified as a "mental patient". No matter what statement of protest you attach to it. Also the statement will be turned against you, defined a "symptom" of "mental illness" ("lack of insight", you can't see, that there's no reason to protest anything, that they're only trying to help you, not punish you, because you're so sick, you don't even know you're sick... ).

To overcome psychiatry, you have to starve it, not you, by getting in control of your "symptoms", at least to the extent that psychiatry no longer is able to make them out, and eventually by doing what psychiatry tells everybody is impossible to achieve: recover. It can be done. First step: become aware of these mechanisms. Psychiatry provokes you to feed it "symptoms", for instance by starving yourself to death, because it needs your "symptomatic" reaction to survive. Don't give them what they're so hungry for!

Relateret: Mere om selvmord i psykiatrien

For resten: Nok, som jeg skriver i kommentarerne, ikke et bevidst ordvalg, men alligevel meget sigende er denne "Freudian slip"... Omend konklusionen så bliver lidt forkert.

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