lørdag den 10. oktober 2009
"Verdens mentale sundhedsdag"
...eller måske snarere "Verdensdag for markedsføringen af psykisk sygdom"? Whatever. Onsdag den 7. var R.D. Laing's fødselsdag. Here's to Ronnie Laing!
The condition of alienation, of being asleep, of being unconscious, of being out of one's mind, is the condition of the normal man. Society highly values its normal man. It educates children to lose themselves and to become absurd, and thus to be normal. Normal men have killed perhaps 100,000,000 of their fellow normal men in the last fifty years. -The Politics of Experience
Long before a thermonuclear war can come about, we have had to lay waste to our own sanity. We begin with the children. It is imperative to catch them in time. Without the most thorough and rapid brain-washing their dirty minds would see through our dirty tricks. Children are not yet fools, but we shall turn them into imbeciles like ourselves, with high I.Q.s if possible. -The Politics of Experience
As long as we cannot up-level our 'thinking' beyond Us and Them, the goodies and baddies, it will go on and on. The only possible end will be when all the goodies have killed all the baddies, and all the baddies all the goodies, which does not seem so difficult or unlikely since, to Us, we are the goodies and They are the baddies, while to Them, we are the baddies and They are the goodies.
Millions of people have died this century and millions more are going to, including, we have every reason to expect, many of Us and our children, throttled by this knot we seem unable to untie.
It seems a comparatively simple knot, but it is tied very, very tight - round the throat, as it were, of the whole human species.
But don't believe me because I say so, look in the mirror and see for yourself. -The Politics of the Family
There is no such condition as "schizophrenia", but the label is a social fact and the social fact a political event. -The Politics of Experience
The condition of alienation, of being asleep, of being unconscious, of being out of one's mind, is the condition of the normal man. Society highly values its normal man. It educates children to lose themselves and to become absurd, and thus to be normal. Normal men have killed perhaps 100,000,000 of their fellow normal men in the last fifty years. -The Politics of Experience
Long before a thermonuclear war can come about, we have had to lay waste to our own sanity. We begin with the children. It is imperative to catch them in time. Without the most thorough and rapid brain-washing their dirty minds would see through our dirty tricks. Children are not yet fools, but we shall turn them into imbeciles like ourselves, with high I.Q.s if possible. -The Politics of Experience
As long as we cannot up-level our 'thinking' beyond Us and Them, the goodies and baddies, it will go on and on. The only possible end will be when all the goodies have killed all the baddies, and all the baddies all the goodies, which does not seem so difficult or unlikely since, to Us, we are the goodies and They are the baddies, while to Them, we are the baddies and They are the goodies.
Millions of people have died this century and millions more are going to, including, we have every reason to expect, many of Us and our children, throttled by this knot we seem unable to untie.
It seems a comparatively simple knot, but it is tied very, very tight - round the throat, as it were, of the whole human species.
But don't believe me because I say so, look in the mirror and see for yourself. -The Politics of the Family
There is no such condition as "schizophrenia", but the label is a social fact and the social fact a political event. -The Politics of Experience
R.D. Laing
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5 kommentarer:
Tja, det burde vel være mental sundheds dag hver dag!
Fik en meddelese på facebook i dag, med sindets dag og en anbefaling af Poul Nyrups nye hjemmeside. DET fik sat mit pis i kog fra morgenstunden, jeg får bare rødeknopper af et udtryk som "psykisk sårbar", på hans hjemmeside er der bla. en side for pårørende og en for "sårbare"!!!!
Jeg vil tusind gange hellere have betegnelsen psykisk syg, end psykisk sårbar, jeg er en god del mere end sårbar! Og hvem er ikke det???
Marginaliserede grupper der har ønsket forandring for dem selv og i samfundet, har taget de grimme navne på sig i stedet for "pæne" betegnelser, for på en eller anden måde er der mere empowerment i de gasmle stigmatiserende udtryk, end nyekonstruerede, "hjælpedame" betegnelser!
Efter at de kendte ikke længere bekender deres psykiske problemer i medierne, lader det til at det emne er gået af mode og formidlingen af reel viden på området uønsket. Der er et budskab ingen gider at høre selvom det angår os alle -om vi vil det eller ej.
Velmenene hensigter på området er ikke nok, hvad gør man så i et samfund der agere som de tre japanske aber: ikke se, ikke høre, ikke tale?
For mig er det sindets dag, hver dag!!!:-D
Hej fra Cecil Cathrin
Cecil Cathrin: hellere "psykisk syg" end "psykisk sårbar", ja! Men også meget hellere "gal" end "psykisk syg". For, hvorfor ikke kalde en spade for en spade: "Gal" er jo, hvad vi er i "de normales" øjne, uanset hvor meget de ellers prøver at lulle os ind i den tro, at de virkeligt har empati. Ved hjælp af eufemismer som "psykisk sårbar" for eksempel. Til at brække sig over.
Det, der dog gør mig allermest pissed off når jeg hører folk som Nyrup lukke deres bs ud, er at en mand, hvis datter også af ham er blevet så i den grad overhørt og -set, at hun til sidst ikke længere anede hvordan ellers end ved at begå selvmord hun skulle prøve at skaffe sig gehør, føler et kald til at "tale de psykisk syges sag", dvs. føler sig kompetent til at tale for "de psykisk syge", eller, "de psykisk sårbare". I stedet for at hjælpe "de psykisk syge" til selv at blive hørt i samfundet. Det er simpelthen toppen af arrogancen og umyndiggørelsen, og toppen af ringeagtning for netop de mennesker, han foregiver, at ville bakke op omkring!
Jeg har aflagt hans nye hjemmeside en kort visit. Kort, fordi jeg simpelthen får det dårligt af at opholde mig længere tid ad gangen på den slags hjemmesider. "Del dine erfaringer" læser jeg dér. Hvor passende, at jeg lige p.t. sidder og skriver på min "recovery story"... Du kan tro, jeg vil dele! ;)
P.S.: "bs" = kort for bullshit.
"Verdensdag for markedsføringen af psykisk sygdom" tror jeg hadde vært et mer dekkende ord for denne dagen, ja.
Se denne kronikken: "I Norge er Verdensdagen for psykisk helse blitt en skrytedag, der helsemyndigheter og politikere reklamerer for alt det gode de har gjort. De holder i tøylene for hvilket fokus vi skal ha. Resultatet er en "se så flinke vi er"-dag."
Sigrun: Tak for linket. Super kronik! God kommentar også fra "Tidligere-klient". Som Cecil Cathrin også skriver, hvem er ikke sårbar? Og hvorfor skal menneskelig sårbarhed absolut gøres til en sygdom??
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