"What we call 'normal' is a product of repression, denial, splitting, projection, introjection and other forms of destructive action on experience. It is radically estranged from the structure of being. The more one sees this, the more senseless it is to continue with generalized descriptions of supposedly specifically schizoid, schizophrenic, hysterical 'mechanisms.' There are forms of alienation that are relatively strange to statistically 'normal' forms of alienation. The 'normally' alienated person, by reason of the fact that he acts more or less like everyone else, is taken to be sane. Other forms of alienation that are out of step with the prevailing state of alienation are those that are labeled by the 'formal' majority as bad or mad." 

R. D. Laing, The Politics of Experience

fredag den 5. december 2008

Ray Alert 5: Next Forced Shock International Human Rights Day 10 Dec!

MindFreedom International - Ray Alert #5
Win Human Rights in Mental Health - Please Forward!


   Ray's Next Scheduled Involuntary Outpatient Electroshock is:
   10 December -- International Human Rights Day!

by David W. Oaks, Executive Director, MindFreedom International

This Wednesday, 10 December 2008, human rights activists all over the
world will be celebrating the 60th anniversary of the signing of the
United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

10 December is the UN's official International Human Rights Day.

10 December is also the day that Ray Sandford is scheduled to receive
his 35th involuntary outpatient electroshock.

NEW ON WEB: Learn Ray's story -- Frequently Asked Questions About Ray
Sandford Campaign, click here:


   Latest News on Ray Campaign

Unless action is taken swiftly, then this Wednesday morning, as he
has been for most mornings in the last few months, Ray will be
awakened early by staff in his room at the group residence Victory
House near Minneapolis.

Once more an escort will bring him against his will the 15 miles to
Mercy Hospital, where once more -- under court order -- doctors will
place electrodes on his head for another electroconvulsive therapy
(ECT), or electroshock, that can and has wiped out precious memories
and cognitive abilities from Ray.


   The Good News About Ray Campaign:

Because of MindFreedom's campaign to support Ray Sandford:

* The Minnesota Governor's office reports receiving "hundreds" of
complaints. Thank you everyone!

* Three agencies are now working to replace Ray's non-responsive
court-appointed attorney with a new attorney.

* National media has finally interviewed Ray for an upcoming broadcast.

   The Bad News: It is Not Enough! Speak Out Now!


    ** ACTION ** ACTION ** ACTION **

It is time to take the Ray Campaign up a notch, peacefully but strongly!

Let this become a top issue in the Governor's office.

Telephone Governor Pawlenty's office *NOW*:

Call any day, but especially call *before* Ray's scheduled
electroshock next Wednesday, 10 December 2008.

Call from anywhere in the world phone (651) 296-3391.

 From inside Minnesota phone toll free (800) 657-3717.

You have the best chance of reaching staff from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Central Time weekdays.



Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty has completely stone-walled!

* His office refuses to issue any statement on the policy of forced

* He claims he can do nothing, that the courts are in charge, when he
could at least make sure Ray gets better legal representation for a
stay or appeal.

* His office operators have been instructed to immediately redirect
calls about Ray into a voice mail. No one we know of has ever heard
back. Some operators have hung up on callers.

* Meanwhile, the Governor is sponsoring a $200-a-head luxury hotel
conference about International Human Rights Day!

   It is time to get creative!

* Ray will not give up!

* We will not give up!

* Don't you give up!

   Please be peaceful, but be CREATIVELY MALADJUSTED in your next
phone calls to Governor Pawlenty's office.

First, get the name of the operator and write it down. Then start by
asking polite but firm questions about advocacy...

* about citizen input...

* about who to talk to about mental health policy...

* about the names and phone numbers of the Ombudsman office

* about mental health policy and the mental health division...

* about how poor people can have adequate legal representation...

And only then ask about why the Governor is refusing to speak out
about Involuntary Outpatient Electroshock (IOE)?

Insist on speaking to a live real person about this issue.

If you do not get a real person with a real reply, CALL BACK.

If an operator hangs up on you, call back and ask to speak to a
manager and complain.



Telephone Governor Pawlenty's office *NOW*:

Call any day, but especially call *before* Ray's scheduled
electroshock next Wednesday, 10 December 2008.

Call from anywhere in the world phone (651) 296-3391.

 From inside Minnesota phone toll free (800) 657-3717.

You have the best chance of reaching staff from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Central Time weekdays.

If you do receive any helpful information or leads, e-mail it to news-


   Learn more about Ray on the all-new "Frequently Asked Questions"
page about the Ray Campaign.

Learn about:

* The back story about Ray.

* How MindFreedom filed an official torture complaint about the State
of Minnesota to the United Nations.

* And what else you can do to help.

Click on the Frequently Asked Questions page here: http://www.mindfreedom.org/shield/ray/sandford-faq


A clickable version of above Ray Alert 5 is on web here: http://www.mindfreedom.org/shield/ray/alert-5-sandford


   Get Around the Media Blackout! Forward this human rights alert to
all people who care about human rights, on and off the Internet!


Encourage Everyone to Join MindFreedom International During the Fall
2008 Support Drive

Build the people power it will take to stop the kind of torture that
Ray is experiencing!

For information about how you can join MindFreedom today, click here:


6 kommentarer:

Anonym sagde ...

Når nu du har en engelsk blog og en dansk blog Marian, så har jeg hele tiden tænkt at det har du af to årsager - den ene at kunne bringe lidt mere danskorienteret stof på den her og den anden at hjælpe de læsere som ikke kan engelsk. Men...?
For jeg synes da at det ville være lidt ærgligt hvis der sad nogen derude som gerne ville have ringe til guvernøren fra Danmark - havde de bare forstået at det var det der stod.
Og mon de også bare ville få telefonsvareren? Eller få røret lagt på?
Bare en tanke... :-)

Marian sagde ...

Overvejede faktisk allerede første gang, om jeg skulle oversætte, men lod være, fordi jeg egentligt dårligt kan be' nogen, der ikke taler eller skriver (og således nok heller ikke forstår) engelsk om at maile eller ringe til guvernøren.

Men det kan være, at jeg skriver et indlæg om, hvad det hér drejer sig om. Måske er der nogen derude, der så kan få hjælp af en ven eller nogen til at maile i hvert fald.

Anonym sagde ...

Om du ber eller ej - så må det vel være op til den enkelte at træffe valget om at ringe eller ej. Det skal du da ikke bestemme. :-)
Og mon ikke guvenørens stab forstår hvad det drejer sig om bare opringeren siger Rays navn? - og så behøver de vel heller ikke at forstå så meget mere. :-)

Anonym sagde ...

Enig i at det, omstændighederne taget i betragtning, ville være lidt meget at oversætte sådan et rundskriv til dansk.

En mulighed var måske en meget kort intro med henvisning til det indlæg hvor du jo på dansk har ridset situationen omkring Ray og hans tvangsbehandling op:
"What am I supposed to do, run away?"*

Marian sagde ...

Tja, det har du selvfølgeligt ret i. Jeg følte bare heller ikke det var helt ok, at be' nogen om at "skride til handling", med mindre de kunne bl.a. også finde information udenom mig, dvs. direkte på MindFreedom's site. Men man kan selvfølgeligt også rette henvendelse til mig via e-mail, hvis man har ubesvarede spørgsmål. Jeg må vidst hellere skrive et indlæg...

Marian sagde ...

Jaaa! Tak, tosommerfugle! Havde sådan på fornemmeren, at jeg da vidst havde skrevet om det, men var lidt forvirret i dag...

Nå men, måske kan jeg skrive en kort update på dansk, alligevel.